A ferroalloy(usually used in motor catalyst recyle usage) smelting waste stream contains Pt(18ppm) Pb(6ppm), Rh(0.5ppm), and also high concentration of Fe (55g/L) .
In slurry mode and indoor temperature, Si-novation optimal scavenger's immoblized capacity for Pt, Pb and Rh is more than 30g/kg and the residual Pt, Pb and Rh are lower than the detection limit, achieving selective adsorption of Platinum group metals at ultra high iron concentration.
The Platinum group metals recovery rate immoblised wih Si-Novation optimal Scavengers is more than 98%.
Other similar high concentration stream with Iron, e.g. scrap iron replacement process mother liquid( usually used in precious metal smelting) can also be treated with Si-Novation's optimal Scavengers to recover low concentration precious metal.